Minggu, 29 Juli 2012

nggak apa-apa...

IP turun?

Nggak masalah :)

Di dunia ini ada perasaan bahagia yang nggak bisa dijelaskan waktu kita menikmati proses belajar dan bener-bener dapet ilmu yang bisa kita amalkan dan praktekkan di kehidupan nyata
dan perasaan bahagia itu, nggak akan bisa diukur, bahkan dengan ip bagus sekalipun :)

note: sedang menyemangati diri sendiri

Jumat, 27 Juli 2012

Suatu Saat Nanti...

Suatu saat nanti akan tiba hari di mana kamu menyadari

bahwa merasa kehilangan karena status in a relationship-mu berakhir itu terlalu mainstream

orang juga bisa kehilangan karena status single mereka berakhir

karena yang mengakhirinya bukan orang yang benar-benar mereka inginkan

Rabu, 25 Juli 2012

Ramadhan's Activity

Still remember about one of my community, Jancuki?
They sell takjil during ramadhan. I only help them once because I had something to do, but here's some photos :p

"lemper jepang, lemper jepang, roti bawang!"
today's mascot

because obeying the rule is to mainstream

Selasa, 24 Juli 2012

Just A Thing to Remember

Temen SMA itu meskipun kamu nggak ketemu lama, waktu kalian ketemu lagi, pasti rasanya nggak ada yang berubah
-a quote from Bu Yuni 

Hello, sorry for not post anything lately :(

I just had a grrreeeaat time with Costarica. Yeah, Costarica was my high school's class name. It's stand from COmpany of Social firsT and I forgot the last part :p
The important thing is, I've been with them for the last two years in high school and it reaaallyyy was a precious moment.

a moment before national exam, in economic class
For this whole time, I often see my highschool friends tweeting something like missing their high school time. I was like, "why don't they enjoy their college time more?" high school time already over guys, just move on and enjoy your present live.
It's indeed that I enjoy my time as a college student, I think I made a right decission for choosing communication science, I might not get a good GPA, but it's okay, I still love studying this subject especially, I got many good friends here. I still study in my own hometown, so I don't have to live as hard as my friends who studied at other city. I can go home anytime, meet my family. And I have my beloved DVS Manga. Therefore I have nothing to worry about. Difficulties may come but still, I enjoy to live my present life.

That what I thought before. But everything change when I met Costers today. And I just realize, I miss them :'(
I miss them all, I miss our class, I miss the time when we laughed together, I miss the time when we hang out together, ate our lunch together, and I miss it when they worked together to help me prepared for Bunkasai. There are so much things that you'd never get unless you're in high school. High school life taught me so much lesson that you never studied in class.

Thanks for all that you gave me, everyone, now I know what does it mean when people says high school friends are unforgetable and irreplaceable :')

Now I just wanna shout these words loudly to all of you, Costarica's member:

"He Reeeeekkkk, Aku kangen awakmu! Ayo mari lebaran dolen maneh" lol

Jumat, 20 Juli 2012

I Don't Always Act Sweet, but When I do, I'm Trolled

でも、なぜ君はあたしの事をtrollしたの?(TT TT)

anyway, I only wish all the best for you
is it getting a bit worse? Okay, honestly I didn't paint the cake, I was just too lazy to do

Btw, Happy Fasting, everyone :D

Selasa, 17 Juli 2012

Honestly, It Was A Bit Tragic

So today I hanged out with Sandra, my classmate, after some organization meeting. And tell you what, I was hiding something really important that time. I really couldn't say it but deep inside my heart, I really really wanted to shout,"I GOTTA PEE SO BAAAADDDDLLYYYYYY," while hiding my tears.

I decided to hold it as long as I can. I'll go to the restroom as soon as I arrive at EF, I repeated that words for many times as I rode my motorcycle along the way to EF.

But the truth is, I had to play the game that Ms. Vero gave and I didn't even had time to asked her whether I could go to toilet or not D'X

I tried to survive from this suffering and finally God granted my wish! The time to go home was come and I could go to the toilet! Yeaayyyy~~!
I told Ima, one of my classmate, that I gotta pee and I can't hold it any longer. When I arrived in front of the toilet, the lady's was closed, that means someone used it and I couldn't enter, WTF?!

Seems like I was in a mood to break the door when suddenly Ms. Vero passed by and told me, "Hey, it's okay to use the other toilet," she told me while pointed at the gent's toilet, which is opened.

I couldn't think another way so I just said yes and thanked her. As I realized, I had been inside the sitting-WC-area

This is Gent's Toilet's map, there's a door between the area. yeah at least just imagine it like this XD

I pee-ed like a boss. then suddenly I heard someone knocked the door. CRAP! This person must be a MAN!
What'd they do if they find out a random girl is exist inside the toilet?! This gonna be an end of my career as an idol! (okay, this just some blow-up -____-a)

I used all my courage to try seeing what happened outside my comfort zone. I opened the door and peeked. Yes, I found a silhouette of a man!
I thought I'd release an SOS fireworks, but no, I closed the door slowly. With a silent scream I prayed to God, hope He'd get rid the man of.
After waited for a long time (it's just a few second actually). I heard nothing and felt the aura has gone. Horraayyyy~! I was SAVEED! (crying out loud)

When I went outside, I thought I see the man who just exit from the toilet.
No need to think much, hit the gas and RUN AWAY!

ps: I wrote this post while watching JKT48's mega concert. it took so~ long~ time to finish this lol

Minggu, 15 Juli 2012

Somehow, I Kinda Miss Mao

I miss Mao SID, yes, I really miss him though I never meet him.
I've never really deeply fall in love with SID's song since Itsuka, I think I like itsuka and it's c/w song, akikaze, too much that I listened to it over and over again until I got bored that's why I'm not crazily listened to their next song again.

Lately, I miss SID, I miss Mao's voice soooo much XD
A few days ago, I decided to buy Laruku's 20th anniversary DVD, as I watched the catalog, I found this:

WHAAATTT?! L'Arc and SID medlye? So they'd play together on one stage?

idk why I'm so excited with a concert where many bands are collaborate together in one stage, such as Jack in The Box. Well, somehow I'd like to see how it'll become if Mao sings Laruku's song and Hyde sings SID's song XD

So I purchase that video along with Laruku's 20th anniversary. two days later, my dvd arrived, yeay!
I checked the DVD with laruku and SID's medley inside first and found this

and that time I just realized, "L'Arc+SID medley" didn't mean they'd sing together on the stage, it just meant Laruku's medley song and SID's medley song. They didn't sing together AT ALL. So I misunderstood the title. Sh*t.

As a communication-science student, I felt totally fail.

Okay, just forget it. I just bought SID's concert so it doesn't matter. Whatever it is, it still SID's, therefore I'd watch it.

I played the file and heard the intro from SID's Sleep. This is what I saw
Mao on Ki Oon 20th anniversary - 2012

waaww Mao became more masculine since 'itsuka' single. Look, isn't it so different with his previous style?

Mao on Jack in the box 2010

Mao on Hikari Tour 2009

I kinda touched by his masculinness lol

and this wild scene appeared


Well, it can't be helped with that outfit. Anyway I was glad finally I can fullfiled my emptiness by seeing him XD 

This one is my fave scene, why? Well no idea
it shows that Aki also got new hairstyle XD

Mao looks cute hahaha

Mao: Aaarrggghh dafuq I saw?!

And at last, I wasn't irritated anymore. Well maybe it'd be a bit awkward to hear Hyde sings Mao's song so it's okay with this medley.
Totally worth  it :D

Rabu, 11 Juli 2012

Just My Friend Cosplaying Wait, What?

Hello Thursday~
Today I'll go to my organization meeting on the evening.
This organization is a group of some Japan-base-community in Malang, and it name is kinda harsh for Javanese, it's called JANCUKI, stands for JApaN CUlture daisuKI

it's been half a year since I joined this organization but I still confuse how to ask permission if I go to the meeting.
Okay, my mom is a Javanese so I wont tell her, "Mom, I'm going to jancuki's meeting," she's gonna btchslap me on the face =______________=

Speaking of this Jancuki group, there is a bullied member, we call him Chumik. Chumik is a cosplayer from a cosplayer-group called Famiglia. His real name was Adhi.
Chumik is my little brother, err... kind of little brother-role, and Mirna is our Daddy.
When I went to an expo event on Surabaya, Famiglia was one which got an exhibition stan. When I visited their stan, I saw this photo

okay, I took this photo from his FB, but that time there actually is

One of the stan guarder told me it was Chumik! Oh God Why, I don't believe it, he cosplayed as Lelouch and looked yeah, kinda cool =_________=
Usually I don't like someone cosplays as Lelouch because I feel it gonna ruined his image (Yeah, I LOVE Lelouch that much), but I.. I don't mind if he cosplayed Lelouch somehow =_=

Me and Mirna were both shocked seeing this photo. How come someone like him looked kinda cool?
Even Mirna says, "My son looked handsome from the right-lower-side angle," and she said she'll built 'pelihat chumik dari kanan bawah' WTH?

So this is the conclussion:

No matter how do you look like, as long as people see you from the right angle, you'll look good

Btw, wanna see Chumik's real face? Here he is

I feel like want to make his face mozaik =_____=

Soda Battlefield

It's a true story ;P

Selasa, 10 Juli 2012

It's About Magic Power

Okaayyyy today I got my EF's 8th level certificate. As you know it's kinda awkward somehow for a college student to take an English course, but it can't be helped. Ah btw, Thank God for gave me this miracle:

Well that's what Mr. Darren wrote on my certificate. Just wanna share this happiness, srsly, no offense please :p

Speaking of my hiperbolic teacher, Mr. Darren, I was once had this conversation with him,
Mr. Darren: So, Tia, what's your favorite number?
Me: umm, yeah, I think it's 7
Mr. Darren: 7? between all these number you choose 7? Are you a witch?
Me: Haha, no, idea. But sometimes I wish I was.
Mr. Darren: Well, you know, 7 is a magic number. Keep thinking about that seven, and someday you'll become a magician and make your own magic.

Thank you, Sir. I think I'll miss your lesson. Haha. And I do believe that words, that's why I created this blog on July 7th ;)

Anyway, I think I can't make my magic yet. but believe me, my mom really did!

Here's the story (based on true story with abit modified)

fortunately, my mom's magic words was just a coincidence, so (I hope) it wont kill me that way ;P

Minggu, 08 Juli 2012

A Lesson from The Running Bus (Part II)

-quote made by me, Mirna, and Onny when I and Mirna was waiting for the bus to go to yesterday's event

A lesson from the running bus

Hari ini adalah hari petualanganku di surabaya. Oke, mungkin karena aku tinggal di Malang yang notabene deket sama Surabaya, berpetualang di Surabaya terkesan tidak keren.

Tapi percaya deh, bagiku ini luar biasa.
Ini pertama kalinya aku pergi ke luar kota sama temen bukan karena alasan akademis.
Ini pertama kalinya aku keluar kota dengan usaha sendiri, baik transport, uang saku, dan nggak ada yang jamin keselamatanku, selain Tuhan sih
Dan ini pertama kalinya aku diizinin pergi begitu aja sama orang tuaku dalam keadaan seperti di atas.

Jadi, setelah penantian yang lama, akhirnya aku dan seorang temenku berhasil berangkat dengan bus yang kami inginkan, walaupun nggak dapet tempat duduk. Jadi kami duduk lesehan supir dan kernetnya.

Sepanjang bus tersebut berjalan, berbagai macam penumpang datang dan pergi. Awalnya aku cuma berpikir sih, banyak juga ya penumpang yang bawa anak mereka yang masih kecil, termasuk si kernet yang ada di depanku. Terus tiba-tiba jadi kepikir juga, tempat duduknya kan udah habis, berarti anaknya berdiri dong sampai surabaya nanti? Aku jadi kasihan dan akhirnya aku sadar.

Ya, dari dulu aku memang nggak pernah mengalami hal kayak gitu. Selama ini tiap kali bepergian jauh, aku nggak pernah harus susah payah. Orangtuaku selalu ngusahain transport yang nyaman dan perbekalan. Jadi aku tinggal naik, bilang mau ke mana, dan tiba-tiba sampai tujuan. Akhirnya aku sadar, betapa aku bener-bener orang yang nggak tau terima kasih. Padahal berkat kerja keras orang tuaku, aku bisa pergi ke mana pun dengan nyaman dan aman tanpa harus capek-capek nunggu bus dan berdiri.

 Mungkin ini cuma hal kecil sih, tapi di sepanjang jalan yang dilalui bus yang kutumpangi, aku akhirnya sadar betapa beruntungnya aku.

Sabtu, 07 Juli 2012

1! 2! 3! 4! Welcome!

Hello everyone, welcome to ame-mon =) Before we start, I'd like to introduce myself. My name is Ananta Aristia Karina. Actually my parents give me nickname Tia, but as times flow, people started to bully me and called me Suti. They even improve this name as Sutitaros, Sutia, Sutijem, sutantik jaikowati and even Sutinja -,- Ok, name doesn't matter, call me whatever. Just do as you like as long as you please to be my friend.

I live in Malang. I'm a communication student of Brawijaya University. Now I'm on my 3rd semester. I'm a part of a manga (you know? Japanese comics) communition called DVS Manga. If you ask me about things I like and I hate, well, I think I like a lot of things and I don't really have the thing I hate. But if I really have to mention, well, I'm interested in many things related to Japan and I hate aves(-_-;)

Okay, maybe that's all for now about myself. I think you should know me more by reading this blog :)

 To tell you the truth, this is my second blog. I made this blog because I feel like I'm writting all the trash on my previous blog. I know maybe I'll repeat the same mistakes for this blog, like you know, talking to much trash about my life LOL but I hope I can do better for this blog, even when I'm talking about trash, I'll make it kind of high-quality trash LOL besides, today is July 7 (07/07). 7 is macgic and lucky number. So I hope this will make amemon goes well XD

fyi, I'll change the language I use to write depends on my mood, it can be english, bahasa, japanese or even javanese hahaha.

 Well, that's all for the opening. Wish me good luck. Nice to meet ya all :D